Prathamesh Tanavade

All Projects

Project Built With Links

Trending Twitter Hastag

  • Python

  • Kafka

  • PySpark

  • MongoDB

  • FastAPI

  • ReactJS

Satellite Communication Data Pipeline

  • Python

  • PySpark

  • Kafka

  • MongoDB

  • Airflow

PostgreSQL to MongoDB

  • PySpark

  • MongoDB

  • PostgreSQL

Excel to MongoDB

  • Python

  • Pandas

  • Excel

Streaming Json To PostgreSQL

  • PySpark

  • PostgreSQL

Streaming Json to MongoDB

  • PySpark

  • MongoDB

Streaming Json to CSV

  • PySpark

Json to MongoDB

  • Python

  • Pandas

  • MongoDB

CSV to PostgreSQL

  • Python

  • Panadas

  • PostgreSQL

CSV to MongoDB

  • Python

  • MongoDB

  • Pandas


  • Python

  • Pandas